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作者 主題: 牛房劇季2011 <黑洞3> 台北澳門小劇場連線  (閱讀 4132 次)
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« 於: 十月 11, 2011, 06:09:25 am »

         新聞稿        牛房劇季2011 <黑洞3> 台北澳門小劇場連線

   該合作計劃由台北市政府文化局、財團法人國家文化基金會、澳門民政總署、澳門特區文化局、澳門基金會贊助。詳情可瀏覽, 或聯絡2853 0026。
Ox Warehouse theatre season: The Black Hole 3 Press release

Produced by Macau Ox warehouse and Taipei Guling Street Avant-grade Theatre, Ox warehouse Theatre Season Presents the Black Hole 3, a new production of Taiwanese director Wang Mo Lin’s “Black Hole” series. It’s a co-operation of two please theatre training, practice, produced and performed.

In May, Ox Warehouse open a audition for actor and stage manager, in late june, the head of Taipei Guling Street Avant-grade Theatre Yao Lee Chun selected a Macau  young theater workers, Oscar Cheong Cho Seng and Stage Manager Alice Kuok Ieong Iong to participate the project, they will start training in Taipei in Mid- October, and participate in the performance for the Black Hole 3 in Taipei G uling Street Avant-grade Theatre from 4th to 6th of November. The Performance will be performed on 11th to 13th of November in Macau OX Warehouse at 8pm. The ticket is available  in Ox Warehouse, Pinto-Livros and Rua De Coelho Do Amaral no. 47 art Space.

"Black Hole 3" is the new production program of a pioneer in Taiwan's small theater movement Wang Mo-lin ’s "black hole" series,

In the 2011 version of "Black Hole 3", Wang Mo-lin, address the current social ills, asking martial law left thread, put the line of sight projected onto the "army" is full of personal memories and memorable universal appeal of the object, and then related to the dark situation of the “second Taiwan Strait Crisis”

The project is sponsored by Taiwan Department of Cultural Affairs, Taiwan National Culture and Arts Foundation, IACM, ICM and Macau Foundation. For more information, contact or 853 285300326.

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