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作者 主題: 劉嘉玲及古天樂將主持全澳最高「澳門威尼斯人聖誕樹」亮燈儀式閃亮澳門  (閱讀 4353 次)
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« 於: 十一月 21, 2011, 03:03:23 pm »

(澳門,2011年11月21日) - 為了締造一個璀璨難忘的快樂聖誕,澳門威尼斯人®特別於2011年11月25日至2012年1月2日「大運河購物中心 ... 購物天堂讓願望成真」2011聖誕活動期間,於大運河購物中心的聖馬可廣場內放置一棵高達 9 米的聖誕樹,閃耀澳門。「澳門威尼斯人聖誕樹」由40,000 顆LED燈和無數的聖誕裝飾作點綴,勢必成為澳門威尼斯人的一個主要亮點。
為隆重其事,澳門威尼斯人特別邀請劉嘉玲小姐及古天樂先生於11月25日(星期五)下午4時,聯同公司的高級管理層於聖馬可廣場為「澳門威尼斯人聖誕樹」主持亮燈儀式。隨著「澳門威尼斯人聖誕樹」的光芒照亮整片天幕,澳門國際學校( TIS)合唱團將演唱美妙詩歌以及在聖誕老人襯托下,一個前所未有閃爍璀璨、如詩如幻的歡樂聖誕將正式展開序幕。威尼斯人澳門股份有限公司市場營運行政副總裁祺凱文表示:「我們很榮幸能邀請到劉嘉玲小姐及古天樂先生出席是次活動,聖誕節是普天同慶的節日,很高興將與兩位一同參與這個特別的亮燈儀式。」

Carina Lau and Louis Koo get ready to illuminate the
Christmas Lights at The Venetian Macao
(Macao, November 21, 2011) – Celebrity guests Ms. Carina Lau and Mr. Louis Koo have been invited to join the senior management team at The Venetian® Macao to officially launch the Christmas shopping season at The Grand Canal Shoppes. The Christmas Lighting Event will take place at St. Mark's Square at The Venetian Macao on Friday, 25 November 2011 at 4 pm.
Carina and Louis will help switch on the dazzling Christmas lights to mark the start of the "GCS... Where all your shopping dreams come true" 2011 Christmas campaign. "We're very excited to have Carina and Louis at this event. The Christmas season is a very festive and joyous one, and we are very privileged to have them participate at this special occasion," says Kevin Clayton, Executive Vice President of Marketing Operations, Venetian Macau Limited.
In addition to the special celebrity guests, the event features The International School of Macao (TIS) school choir, who will perform Christmas carols; and of course, Santa Claus and Santarina will be there to celebrate the special occasion.
The Venetian Macao has also launched an exclusive competition on its Facebook page, with a chance to win exclusive prizes, including the opportunity to take photos with Carina and Louis at the Christmas lighting event. The Facebook page will also feature special CotaiJet™ offers.
Sands China Ltd. is welcoming a new Christmas charity partner this year – Make-A-Wish® Hong Kong. The company says it’s proud to be supporting the foundation that grants wishes to children with life threatening medical conditions and helps to provide a better future for them.
The Grand Canal Shoppes has launched an exclusive Christmas gift promotion to reward loyal shoppers who have chosen The Grand Canal Shoppes as their preferred shopping destination in Macao. From November 25, 2011 until January 2, 2012, visitors to The Grand Canal Shoppes at The Venetian Macao can participate in numerous festive activities. The Christmas tree located at St. Mark's Square will be nine metres high, and will be adorned with 40,000 lights and baubles and is topped with an illuminated tree topper. There will also be daily Christmas parades throughout the mall, and photo opportunities with Santa.
For more details on The Grand Canal Shoppes Christmas Lighting Event, the Christmas activities and competition, visit Fans of the page will be eligible to receive exclusive benefits and offers.

* Exterior.jpg (186.33 KB, 800x486 - 已被閱讀 757 次.)

* The Grand Canel Shoppes.jpg (350.46 KB, 1033x656 - 已被閱讀 705 次.)

* The Grand Canel Shoppes 1.jpg (204.12 KB, 874x582 - 已被閱讀 722 次.)
« 最後編輯時間: 十一月 21, 2011, 03:08:49 pm 由 vppm » 已記錄

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