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作者 主題: G.E.M. Get Everybody Moving 2011演唱會 - 澳門站  (閱讀 4164 次)
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« 於: 十月 22, 2011, 07:00:12 am »

10月22日(星期六)澳門威尼斯人®–度假村–酒店–金光綜藝館TM舉行的《GEM Get Everybody Moving 2011 演唱會- 澳門站》

G.E.M. 是2008年出道的香港新晉女歌手,從小受到音樂熏陶,很早便顯露出非凡的音樂天賦,5歲開始唱作,13歲完成鋼琴8級,初中開始參加各種歌唱比賽並屢獲殊榮。2011年5月僅19歲的G.E.M.首次踏入紅館舉辦個人演唱會,成為新一代香港樂壇LIVE女王,成為了於紅館開個人演唱會的最年輕香港女歌手。萬勿錯過欣賞她於《Get Everybody Moving 2011演唱會 - 澳門站》的精彩演出!

GEM Get Everybody Moving 2011 Macao” at THE VENETIAN® Macao CotaiArenaTM on Saturday, October 22.

Short for Get Everybody Moving, the unique name G.E.M. symbolizes the Hong Kong superstar’s dream of inspiring people through her voice and music. With her debut release in 2008, G.E.M. took home the “best newcomer” award that year, and captured the attention of the entire music industry in Hong Kong with her soulful voice. In May 2011, G.E.M. held her three-night sellout concert Get Everybody Moving 2011 in Hong Kong, making her the youngest female singer to ever hold a concert in the Hong Kong Coliseum.

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« 最後編輯時間: 十月 22, 2011, 01:33:30 pm 由 vppm » 已記錄

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